西安雅思夏季辅导班 如何应对雅思听力材料中的主谓宾结构
例 1:Cambridge 6 Test 2 Section 2 Question 11 & 12
--Local services depart from _____________ railway station.
--National services depart from _____________ railway station.
录音:F: We’ve got two main train stations in the town. The King Street is for local commute lines and regional services.
M: What about trains to London? I’ll need to go there on business for one day.
F: Then you need to go to central station, that’s for all the national services.
例 2:Cambridge 6 Test 2 Section 2 Question 14
--The price of a first class ticket includes ____________.
录音:There’s a buffet car, though refreshments are included in the cost of a first class ticket.
例 3:Cambridge 6 Test 2 Section 4 Question 38
--The first motion picture was called The__________________.
录音:So now, there was a real possibility of having films of more than two or three minutes, and this lead to the making of The Great Train Robbery, the very first movie made.
解析:通过句型转换,完成关键词后置,伴随motion picture-movie的同意转换。
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