西安网上学托福一对一课程 雅思词汇分类整理之考古话题
Aztec['eztek] 族的考古成果补充知识墨西哥中部民族的一支,其文明程度的高峰处于16世纪初(1521)西班牙的攻占时期,传说其民族有牺牲祭祀神灵的传统(每年一万到一万五千人)发源自狩猎聚集的部落在墨西哥北部的高地,农业十分发达
31-35简答题(NO MORE THAN 3 WORDS):
31.In what form did the Aztec pay their tribute to emporer?
(goods particularly crops )
32. When the historian become aware of the rapid population growth among Aztec?(200 years ago )
(参考原文:In a period from 1300 to 1500, one of the major population explosion in the history, increasing from about 150000 to around a million. That was 200 years ago before the Spanish conquest.)
33. Which areas besides hill sides did the Azetecs bring into cultivation?
(参考原文:Wet land for cultivation, for example marshes)
34. where did the only archaeological evidence come from?
(Casemates/Capital Castle)/ (by own excavation)
(not sure 如果没把握了就填 the castle)
35. Apart from home what kinds of buildings did Cuexcomate have?
(storehouses and temples )
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